Organizations and services* in the Las Vegas area and nationally.

*Disclaimer: We’re happy to provide this information in one forum, but please do your own due diligence to ensure that these programs and services meet your specific standards, including your needs for age range, insurance coverage and location.

Want us to add your organization to this page or need a change/correction? Click to send us an email.

  • Down Syndrome Connections

    Down Syndrome Connections Las Vegas

    You’re on our website! We have a very active local group with our monthly networking events including individuals with Down syndrome of all ages, and parents, siblings, grandparents, and caregivers. There is a private Facebook group for support and cutting edge information about all things T21. We have a growing Spanish-speaking group which has some meetings in Spanish. We are proud to partner with UNLV to present the Las Vegas Down Syndrome Conference in October for teens and adults with Down syndrome, community members and medical and education professionals.

  • A pair of hands holding the words IEP Defenders, with shadows of a boy and girl in the middle.

    IEP Defenders is a community law firm supported by Lex Tecnica, Ltd. which offers IEP due process support at no cost to the families/children they represent. is passionate about helping children, as their attorneys either have kids with special needs or grew up in the foster care system themselves. Call for a free consultation: 743-IEP-HELP or learn more at

  • GiGi's Playhouse

    Opening on March 9, 2024 at 1535 W Warm Springs Rd in Henderson. Free programming for people with Down syndrome from diagnosis onward.

  • C.A.R.

    Communication Autism Resources (C.A.R.), empowers individuals with special abilities through customized assistive technology solutions. They specialize in providing personalized support, resources, and training for individuals utilizing light-tech picture-based communication tools and/or high-tech devices. A tailored approach ensures that every individual's unique communication needs are met effectively. CAR offers guidance, training, and access to assistive technology options. Reach out to unlock the power of communication for those who struggle to communicate. C.A.R. "giving all people the power to communicate"!

  • Opportunity Village

    From support services, career opportunities, fun events, and business services, discover all Opportunity Village has to offer!

  • The Sppech House logo

    The Speech House

    Speech and Feeding Therapies
    The Speech House works with children who have developmental disabilities, primarily Apraxia, Autism, and Speech and Language Delay. Assess and treat pediatric feeding disorders, oro-facial myofunctional disorders, Childhood Apraxia of Speech (CAS), phonological impairment, articulation disorders, receptive and expressive language impairment, Autism, hearing impairment, pragmatic language, play development, and Augmentative & Alternative Communication.

  • shows a stick figure moving on a blue background and MAXX Therapies - Maximizing Performance Across the Lifespan

    MAXX Therapies Solutions

    Maxx Therapy Solutions warmly invites you to explore their comprehensive
    occupational therapy services. As a mobile outpatient pediatric clinic, they are
    dedicated to providing specialized services to ABA therapy clinics, daycare centers,
    preschools, and private schools. Their team of friendly and bilingual therapists is
    committed to enhancing your quality of life.
    They offer flexibility with cash pay options, accept major insurance companies, and
    tailor personalized therapy plans to your unique needs. To start your journey
    confidently, they provide a complimentary occupational therapy screening.
    Services include:
    - Self-Care (dressing, shoe tying, etc.)
    - Balance, Coordination, Strength, and Endurance
    - Cognitive and Academic Skills
    - Developmental Milestones
    - Handwriting
    - Visual Motor Skills
    - Play and Social Skills
    - Feeding and Oral Motor Skills
    - Caregivers/Paraprofessional Education, Collaboration, and Advocacy
    - Recommendations for Durable Medical Equipment and Adaptive Devices
    - Sensory Integration Strategies
    Maxx Therapy Solutions is here to empower you on your path to a more fulfilling and
    independent life with a warm and caring approach.
    Contact number: +1 702-530-4005

  • DownSyndromePregnancy.Org

    Down Syndrome Pregnancy is a program administered by the National Center for Prenatal and Postnatal Resources at the University of Kentucky's Human Development Institute. They provide honest, compassionate, medically-reviewed, and informative support for those preparing for the birth of a baby with Down syndrome.

  • Down Syndrome Diagnosis Network

    Many parents with a new diagnosis start here with this national organization designed to connect people virtually with information and support. Download the DSDN app for your phone and join based on the birth year of your individuals with Down syndrome. There are moderated sub-groups for age/birth year, working moms, various health concerns, dual diagnosis, dads only, single parents… find your niche!

    DSDN provides:
    support and connections
    national and local Resources
    accurate, updated, unbiased information


  • National Down Syndrome Adoption Network

    To ensure that every child born with Down syndrome has the opportunity to grow up in a loving family.

  • Global Down Syndrome Foundation

    Global Down Syndrome Foundation’s stated goal is to significantly improve the lives of people with Down syndrome through Research, Medical Care, Education and Advocacy. They work to educate governments, educational organizations and society in order to affect legislative and social changes so that every person with Down syndrome has an equitable chance at a satisfying life.

  • LuMind IDSC Foundation

    There is so much information available on this website. Check it out, then sign up for a free MyDSC account to access even more great information.

  • A logo with DSC in purple and three hands representing caregiver, person with Ds and their primary care physician.

    VIRTUAL Down Syndrome Specialty Clinic DSC2U

    DOWN SYNDROME CLINIC TO YOU: From your own home, access customized health information based on detailed information you provide about your person with Down syndrome (ANY AGE). DSC2U has a robust system producing a report and clickable resources for you AND your person’s primary care physician to help them become an expert on conditions that are common in Down syndrome.

  • logo from Down Syndrome -Autism Connection of a flower with many different color petals

    DS-ASD Connection

    Their mission is to provide specialized outreach through support, education, and resources to increase awareness of the unique challenges caused by co-occurring Down syndrome and autism.

  • Clark County School District

    (702) 799-8692

    Clark County School District Case Management Office is responsible for assigning students pre-kindergarten through graduation to classrooms when self-contained programming is required as well as arranging for transportation.

    Individualized Educational Program (IEP) mandates service level.
    Reviews IEPs of students new to the Clark County School District.
    Ensures class sizes remain in compliance with state law.
    Assists parents with questions regarding school placements

  • Childrens Heart Foundation

    CHF is committed to supporting families as they deal with the emotional and financial toll exacted by a child’s heart condition. They have the assistance of the Children’s Heart Center Nevada’s medical social work team to help them use their resources and maximize our assistance to heart families in need by assisting us with the administration of our family assistance program.

  • Inclusion Fusion

    Inclusion Fusion

    Inclusion Fusion is an organization that provides a variety of programs for individuals with disabilities in Southern Nevada. They provide individualized lessons and programs that allow clients to achieve a successful, independent life.
    Their mission is to help every individual with a disability to develop, pursue and achieve their own goals and dreams.


  • project focus students posing for photo

    UNLV Project F.O.C.U.S.

    (702) 895-1749


    Project F.O.C.U.S. (Forming Occupational and Community Understanding for Success) is a post-secondary college program at UNLV for Southern Nevada's young adults ages 18 and older with intellectual and developmental disabilities. Using evidence-based research, positive behavior support, and person-centered planning, the program provides students with an inclusive, accessible, and productive career education program.

    The program, staffed largely by volunteers, aims to provide participants:

    Inclusive academics
    Job readiness
    Paid and competitive employment
    Independent living opportunities
    Socialization opportunities

    Students in the program can earn an Occupational and Career Life Studies Certificate (OCLSC) or a Certificate of Participation.

  • Special Angels Foundation

    Special Angels Foundation provides grants to families raising children with special needs between the ages of 0-18. ​​Grant amounts up to $2500 for assistive equipment and up to $1500 for therapy (this includes horse therapy). Summer camps grants are available up to 3 grants per camp- with board approval **No grants for medical supplies, nor toys (only assistive equipment) ​​Apply by going to the website: or download a paper application at the same place and mail to the address listed. ​​All disabilities are eligible. All states covered. ​​They also pay in addition to insurance (co-pays etc.). ​​There is no income qualification. Grants can be applied for yearly on the anniversary date of the previous grant. Once approved for an amount they will either purchase the equipment and ship or arrange funding directly with the facility for therapy. The grant is for the benefit of the child. ​Proof of the child’s disability is needed to process the application (i.e., letter from child’s doctor, IEP.) Documents can be uploaded.


    Founded in 1987 by a group of parents gathered around a kitchen table.
    DSOSN is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization and a primary source of support, information and education for new families affected by Trisomy-21.


  • The Garden Foundation

    Offering person-centered programs that are tailored to the needs of the individual.

    Check with TGF for programs and ages served.


  • Neat Services

    Provides educational therapy through advocacy and specialized instruction for students and families.

    educate. advocate. tutor.

  • Nevada P.E.P.

    Nevada PEP is proud to offer a wide variety of services free of charge to Nevada families looking for guidance Information and Referral, Individual Assistance, Transition Services, Family Support Services.

  • UNR logo - black background with a white N

    Nevada Center for Excellence in Disabilities

    NCED Mission

    The mission of the NCED is to cooperatively work with consumers, agencies, and programs to assist Nevadans with disabilities of all ages to be independent and productive citizens who are included in their communities. This mission is accomplished by providing interdisciplinary training, offering model exemplary services, conducting interdisciplinary evaluations, disseminating information on developmental disabilities and service options, providing technical assistance, and conducting relevant research and evaluation studies.

    The Nevada Center for Excellence in Disabilities serves as Nevada's University Center for Excellence in Developmental Disabilities (UCEDD). The UCEDDs were established and funded by the Developmental Disabilities Rights Assistance and Rights Act (DD Act). UCEDDs work to accomplish a shared vision that foresees a nation in which all Americans, including Americans with disabilities, participate fully in their communities. Independence, productivity and community inclusion are key components of this vision. The DD Act funds 67 Centers at universities in every state and territory.

  • Special Olympics of Nevada

    Sports. Education. Healthy athletes. Get involved as a participant, a coach or donate today!


  • Best Buddies Nevada

    (702) 822-2268

    Best Buddies gives people with special abilities a chance to make friends, speak up, be heard and advocate for themselves and others within their community.

  • FEAT - Families for Effective Autism Treatment

    English 702.368.3328

    Espanol 702.403.6263

    F.E.A.T. is a non-profit organization of parents and professionals, designed to help families with children who have received the diagnosis of Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), including Autism, Pervasive Developmental Disorder (PDD), or Asperger’s Syndrome. They offer a support network where families can meet each other and discuss issues surrounding autism and treatment options.