What is Down syndrome?

Down syndrome is a genetic condition that occurs when there is an extra chromosome present on the 21st pair of an individual's chromosomes. Down syndrome is also called Trisomy 21: “Tri” meaning three, and “somy” meaning chromosomes.

When a diagnosis of Down syndrome is suspected (prenatally or at birth) your healthcare professional may order genetic testing to determine diagnosis.

If genetic testing confirms a diagnosis, or while you are waiting for results, you may have many questions!

If you have received a confirmed or suspected diagnosis of Down syndrome / Trisomy 21, please reach out to us for support on your most burning questions. We will help you find the answers you need.

Each individual with Down syndrome is UNIQUE, with strengths and weaknesses that present differently from another person with Down syndrome.

We’re here to help - confidentially!

Sign up below to request our free guide to navigating the emotions of a new diagnosis, or you can call us directly at 702-875-5007.

You can download a free E-book with the basics here:


Everyone’s journey starts with a diagnosis or prospective diagnosis, but each person has a unique perspective and a different path. When you’re ready, our trained volunteers are here to listen to what you are feeling. We’ll provide any information you need, figure out how we can help, or refer you to others can help. We are an impartial and neutral source of information and can provide additional sources for you, based upon your unique situation.