Looking to get together with friends??? Just a little socializing time, without too much fuss and bother? An event during the day??? We recognized there is a need for people to get together, so please join with our “senior” people with Down syndrome for lunch. Although the target is people age 35+, feel free to join no matter what age, if you think you would like to!
Join us at the Applebee’s on Rainbow and Lake Mead! We will be having a monthly event where we get together for lunch at Applebee’s.
everyone will need to pay for their own. They told us about $20 per person is average tab.
this is not a drop off event, however we hope that the parents/caregivers hang out separately so the friends can be as independent as possible.
We do need an RSVP so we know how many tables we need.
JULY THEME: Christmas in July